Crisis Advertising
Facebook Lead Ad Best Practices
Apr 11, 2016
Apr 11, 2016
If you haven’t started with lead ads yet, I’ve two reasons why you should start with Facebook lead ads right now! The way people getting their information is changing to mobile. People spend 3 hours on mobile per day!
A lot has been happening with lead ads. If you haven’t started with lead ads yet, I’ve two reasons why you should start with Facebook lead ads right now! The way people getting their information is changing to mobile. People spend 3 hours on mobile per day! To get their information, people discovering their information in applications: 52% of all time spent on digital.
In addition to the two reasons why you should start with lead ads there are three more reasons! Maybe you’ve experienced some of those challenges for lead generation before, but now Facebook’s lead ads solve these three key challenges for lead generation:
Below you’ll find best practices, use cases and great results of lead ads from Facebook!
To drive powerful lead ad campaigns it’s good to use these best practices:
Facebook published great results of lead ads which I would like to share with you:
All verticals – especially entertainment
Email address and newsletter preferences like content and time that you receive newsletter
Consumer Packaged Goods
Street address, what product you’re interested in
Education, professional services, financial services
Name, email/phone number, what product or service you’re interested in, some qualifying details
Financial services, e-commerce/ retail, professional services
Qualifying questions, contact details, what product you’re interested in
E-commerce/ retail
Email address, which offer you’re interested in
Entertainment, B2B
Contact details, event preferences
All verticals
Contact details, contest answers
Financial services
Qualifying questions, contact details, what product you’re interested in
Qualifying questions, contact details, what product attributes you’re interested in
Contact details, what product you’re interested in