fbpx How To Build An Advertising Funnel That Boosts Conversions


How To Build An Advertising Funnel That Boosts Conversions

Companies put incredible amounts of time, effort, and money into their marketing strategies. They’re constantly working to produce new content for different stages of their advertising funnels. They’re trying to nail down exactly who their ideal customer is, what they want and how to best nurture relationships with them. However, many companies don’t take full advantage of how much paid advertising giants like Google and Facebook can help generate leads and drive conversions. To make sure your company is reaping all the conversion benefits that Google and Facebook can offer, this article will offer you key tips to implement into your market strategies. 

Fergus Taylor

Guest Writer

Google Advertising Funnel

Google is both the biggest search engine in the wild west of the internet and a powerful advertising tool. The majority of this advertising revolves around the use of keywords—these are the queries that people type into Google. 

Makes sense, right? People use Google to search for information, so advertise your company using these keywords to show up in paid search results.

The problem is that many companies don’t use AdWords to its full potential. In fact, the average conversion rate is in the neighbourhood of just 2%. If you want to see a higher conversion rate for your company, keep reading.

If you want to learn how to easily set up a google search ad, definitely check out this blog!

Advertising Funnel



Tip #1: Use Different Keywords for Different Kinds of Leads

The keywords that you promote on Google should align with every stage of your advertising funnel. 

Cold leads at the top of your funnel will likely be browsing different products and therefore using more general keywords, so the goal here is to get them to land on your website at a low cost as these users have a low chance of converting. 

At the bottom of the funnel are ready-to-buy leads. They are probably already familiar with your brand and are likely to search for more specific, long-tail keywords. These keywords have a higher conversion rate and are therefore worth spending more money on.

Imagine, you’re a florist. You might have 3 AdWords campaigns targeting different funnel stages:

  • Top of Funnel
  • Middle of Funnel
  • Bottom of Funnel

You need to create an umbrella of targeted keywords for each part of the funnel. 

Be careful at the top of your funnel. You don’t want to be too general or you’ll be wasting money on people that have zero chance of converting . Choose keywords like flowers, floral arrangements, or flower bouquets.

Whereas in the middle of the funnel, they are getting more specific, choosing types of flowers such as roses or orchids.

At the bottom of the funnel, your leads are ready to make a decision, so they’ll likely search for the specific flowers they have in mind combined with keywords like discount, reviews, best price, where to buy, coupon, promo code, ratings, and pricing, as well as geographic information. 

Tip #2: Target Your Ads Wisely

When paying for advertisements, you want to make sure that you’re showcasing your products to the people who are most likely to buy them and Adwords allows you to do this.

You can target your ads based on demographic, geographic, and social data but you can get  even more granular than this. The most popular targeting options relate to location, time of day, device type, age, gender, and household income so you can get really specific!

Taking the florist from Tip #1 you could target keywords to people who live in the same geographic area to boost conversions. 

To target your ads, enter into your Adwords account, click All Campaigns> Targeting > Add Targeting and start defining your criteria.

Bonus Tip : Making Use of Heat Maps 

Companies with the highest AdWords conversion rates aren’t constantly promoting the same static campaigns to their leads, but are regularly reworking and optimising those campaigns. One tool to help you with that is heat maps.

Heat maps allow you to see how leads navigate your landing pages (in this case via Google). You can visualise what leads click on, where they scroll to, and how they interact with your site overall. Implement things that are working well to other areas of your site and understand where customers drop off to identify what needs changing.

Tip #3: Align Your Ad Copy With Your Landing Page Copy

Last but not least, the copy you use on your landing pages should mirror the copy that you use in your Google Ads.  A surprising amount of companies ignore this tip. 

Many times, potential leads click on an advertisement showing a special offer and land on the company’s homepage, but don’t see exactly what they were looking for. They lose interest and close the screen. 

When someone clicks on your ad, the page they land on should mirror what they clicked on in the first place. This leads to a higher quality score (QS) which can help to lower your cost per click (CPC) and boost conversions. 

Just remember to include that all important call-to-action on the landing page to persuade the reader to complete the purchase or take the desired action.

Facebook Advertising Funnels

Although some say that Facebook is declining as the social media giant, that’s far from the truth. In fact, the number of Facebook users is still growing. Between 2018 and 2019, the number of Facebook users increased by 1.65% to 2.45 billion worldwide. This means that Facebook is still ripe with marketing opportunities.

 The issue with Facebook is that most people sign in to socialise and not to buy things. 

This makes things a little bit more difficult for marketers, but not impossible. You just have to remember that potential leads on Facebook are likely not motivated to buy right off the bat. To convert them you need to engage them. 

The best way to do this is to have a very specific idea of who your ideal customer is and what they’re interested in, and publish Facebook content that aligns with that. This brings us to our first tip…



Tip #1: Determine What Content To Showcase To your target audience 

 First, you will need to publish a variety of content for your existing audience to see what bodes best with them—try blogs, infographics, videos, photos or interactive content such as quizzes

Then create a Lookalike Audience under the Facebook Ads Manager based on the interests and demographics of your existing audience to target potential new leads. 

Showcase your highest performing content to these potential leads to nudge them down your Facebook advertising funnel. You’ll notice the increase in engagement immediately and eventually, those cold leads will turn hot! 

Tip #2: Repurpose Your Top Content

Once you’ve established your best performing content and marketed it to fresh leads, you can repurpose it to extend your reach. 

Information from a blog post can easily be made into quotes and infographics, and long videos can be edited into a series of shorter video snippets. 

Outdoor clothing brands like Patagonia and Arc’teryx do this well. They often use eye-catching snippets cut from high-performing video content for their social media posts. 


Tip #3: Retarget Leads Using The Facebook Pixel

Advertisements that are remarketed to leads who showed interest in a product but didn’t purchase have high conversion rates. In fact, 3 out of 5 people notice ads that are remarketed to them. 

You can use Facebook pixel to do this. To set it up, log into your Facebook Ads Manager and create a Custom Audience. Next, define your audience using data based on site traffic and how users have interacted with your website. The final step is easy, just create your pixel code and place it on your website. 

Voila! You’ll be able to use the data gathered by your pixel to retarget ads to interested leads and increase your conversions.


Taking Full Advantage of Paid Advertising

Determining how to take full advantage of advertising on sites like Google and Facebook takes time to master but with practice you’ll only get better.

You need to try out different tactics and continue optimising to see real results out of your advertising budget.  Use the tips outlined above, build on them and watch your conversions shoot up!

We’ve taken a dive into Facebook and Adwords but remember a conversion isn’t the be-all and end-all. Once you’ve got them, you’ll need to make sure they keep coming back for it to really pay off. 

Want a deep-dive on how to target the right audience for your campaigns? Then definitely check out this white paper!

Are you interested in more tips regarding your marketing strategy and looking for the best results? You can get in touch with our certified team of experts to know more!

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